DO YOU LIKE DOING VIDEOS ON YOUR CELL PHONE? WE NEED YOU! Amicable livestreams its services each Sunday via our Facebook account. Currently, we need people who will do this for us. It’s simple to do. Sue Morgado gives you access to the Amicable Facebook account. A few minutes before the service starts, you set-up your phone on the tripod, log into the Facebook account, click on a new post, select “Live video,” and let it run. At the end of the service, click on “Finish” and post to the account. That’s it! Thanks for considering this important part of our Worship Ministry at Amicable. If interested, contact Sue Morgado, office@amicablechurch.org, or speak with Kristen Zeiser, chair of the Standing Committee.
HOSPITALITY SERVICE - We need your help! Please let us know if you are able to host, provide baked goods or other treats, or to help with clean up after our after-worship service coffee hour. For more information and to reserve a Sunday --- Click here!
FAITH FORMATION COMMITTEE - has openings, and lots of opportunities for adults to share their time and talents with the younger among us in Sunday School. Reach out to smartinrdn@gmail.com to sign up.
ACTS, Amicable Church Thrift Shop - ACTS could use your help! Here are some ways you can help:
Empty donation bins - We have two donation bins, one in the courtyard near the Thrift Shop entrance and one on the porch at the north entry. Both bins typically need to be emptied and the contents brought inside 5-6 times each week (leave items in the upper lobby or thrift shop hallway). Our staff does this every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. If someone would check on the other days it would really, really help.
Learn how the shop is operates - Come spend an hour or two with us on a Tuesday when we sort and organize and a Thursday or Saturday when the shop is open and see how everything works. It’s not hard, it’s fun and we DO need your help.
VOLUNTEER FOR TRASH AND RECYCLING GATHERING - Trustees are looking for an additional volunteer to share the weekly duty of gathering trash and recycling and putting it out on Thursday afternoons for the normally scheduled Friday pick up. We currently have two Trash and Recycling Volunteers but would certainly welcome a third! The task usually takes a maximum of two hours. Contact the office at office@amicablechurch.org or call 401.624.4611 if you are interested.
For other volunteer opportunities please check our monthly Friendly Messenger Newsletter!