Early in October, all the members and friends of Amicable Church received a letter from the church which contains the annual Stewardship appeal. The Stewardship Team of the church will ask all of us to make a financial commitment or pledge to the budgeted expenses of the church.
We have been doing this in one form or another for all of our 276 years as a church. We make a plan for continuing our common life and ministry - a budget for 2025 - and ask each of us to give what we can to make those plans and hopes real.
Please get your head and heart ready for the appeal.
Look to all the ways a gracious God has blessed you and those you love and-- then tell us what you intend to do to support your church.
This year as part of that fall stewardship drive there was three personal testimonials on the theme of "Why I support Amicable Church and its ministries” on Sunday, October 6th,13th and 20th. In case you missed them... Please visit our Worship page to see them!
If you haven't turned in your Pledge Form, please do so as soon as possible.