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Provide support where your spirit and heart lead, sharing your Smile, Time, and Talents. 

Please help support the work of Amicable Congregational Church within our community. Below are some of the ways you can help!

Community Service
Donation Boxes


  • ​Tiverton Community Food Drive: non-perishable food donations given to food pantries at East Bay Community Action Project and Old Stone First Baptist Church - help collect, sort, and deliver. 

  • On the first Sunday of each month, donations placed in the basket at Coffee Hour go to support Holy Joe's Cafe, a ministry helping those serving overseas. 







  • Sponsor a youth for Homeless Awareness Weekend overnight - or spend an evening under the stars with the youth as chaperone. This supports a local non-profit working directly with the homeless.



  • One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) : all church UCC annual offering supporting international mission projects and disaster relief

  • FunDrive: donations of gently used clothing that SAVERS will purchase (supports Amicable's Operation Budget) - help sort, package, and deliver clothing to SAVERS.







  • Amicable/Farmcoast 5K- hand out registration material, help set up & take down (supports Amicable's Operation Budget)

  • Easter Offering (supports Amicable's Benevolence Budget)

  • Spring Clean Up - bring your gear and tools to help with clean up in areas inside and outside the church building​​​.​



  • Youth Group Summer Mission Trip (donations support our Christian Education Budget) - be a chaperone!





  • Summer Fair! Craft sales, Thrift Shop sales! Food! Ice cream! Good old fashioned fun!



  • Summer Festival (supports Amicable's Operation Budget) - organize, set up, take down, staff areas and tables during the day



  • Support of our Sunday School Mission assists our Christian Education Budget

  • FUNdrive - help sort, package, deliver used clothing for Savers 








  • Neighbors in Need (NIN) all church UCC annual offering supporting national mission projects

  • Pledge Drive for the coming year (supports Amicable's Operation and Benevolence Budgets)

  • Not by Bread Alone: donations of non-food-items for the Thanksgiving Baskets

  • Fall Clean up inside and outside - bring your gear and tools



  • Thanksgiving Baskets: donations of food items and financial support provides food baskets to residents in need in the greater Tiverton community - help sort food donations, fill baskets, hand them out​​​​​​​



  • Holiday Bazaar: donations of items, knitted goods, cookies, pies, cakes, making wreaths supports Amicable's Operation Budget - organize, set up, take down, staff tables during the day

  • Mitten Tree: donations of mittens, hats, scarves, gloves for families in need - organize, set up, take down, and deliver

  • Giving Tree: provide Christmas gifts for selected families in need - organize, set up, take down, and deliver

  • Christmas Offering: supports Amicable's Benevolence Budget and Tiverton Emergency Assistance Mission (TEAM) which provides area families in need with utility payments and food gift card assistance.

Amicable Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
3736 Main Road, Tiverton, RI 02878

Rev. Maddie Foster, MinisterOffice Hours by appointment. Please email:

Registered service animals are welcome to attend worship and other public events at Amicable, with their human companions.


Our building is a PEANUT-FREE FACILITY.

Two ways to donate! Click or scan:

Donate with PayPal

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:

If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988

United Church of Christ

In the event of severe weather or a church/event closing you will be notified at least 12 hours before the event by email. This message will also be posted on our webpage and Facebook page. If you do not have access to electronic correspondence, you can call the office at 401.624.4611 where a closing message will be available on our office greeting.

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