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Homeless Awareness Month at Amicable Congregational Church concluded with a simple soup and bread supper on the evening of Saturday, February 22nd Fr. Sr. Rob Nemkovich and Kathy Nemkovich from Blessed Trinity Parish in Fall River generously shared insights into the lived experiences of local unhoused individuals and the community’s efforts to feed and protect them from life-threatening weather.     


Understanding the realities endured by these individuals and families helped us recognize that, together, we can care for our neighbors- both individuals and families- as we care for ourselves.


The list of urgent needs from which to make our choices was developed by Kathy Nemkovich. All selections from the Amazon list were delivered to the church office and stored by Sue Morgado. Saturday evening, after supper, the youth organized the donations, wrote thank you notes to the supporters of this mission outreach, played games, had a scavenger hunt (designed by Leslie Simonson), and eventually slept in sleeping bags on the floor of Fellowship Hall. Thank you, Sarah Martin and Mica Silvia, for accompanying them. In the morning, Lenny Tavares cooked breakfast for them. After Fellowship Hour, other helping hands did the dishes and cleaned up.


As of now, we will be delivering:

  • 45 pairs of warm socks

  • 54 pairs of women’s underwear

  • 30 pairs of men’s boxer briefs

  • 2 sweatshirt hoodies

  • 6 sets of thermal underwear

  • 5 blankets that are fire and water resistant

  • 6 pairs of gloves

  • 40 packs of handwarmers

  • 1 tent


Thank you to everyone who made this mission possible, whether you stored the packages; made soup, bread, fruit, desserts, or beverages; set up the tables for supper; coordinated the work and fun for our youth; spent the night with them; provided breakfast; or helped clean up.  Many hands make light work, and some of our neighbors will be warmer because we came together to do what Christians are called to do.

Amicable Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
3736 Main Road, Tiverton, RI 02878

Rev. Maddie Foster, MinisterOffice Hours by appointment. Please email:

Registered service animals are welcome to attend worship and other public events at Amicable, with their human companions.


Our building is a PEANUT-FREE FACILITY.

Two ways to donate! Click or scan:

Donate with PayPal

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:

If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988

United Church of Christ

In the event of severe weather or a church/event closing you will be notified at least 12 hours before the event by email. This message will also be posted on our webpage and Facebook page. If you do not have access to electronic correspondence, you can call the office at 401.624.4611 where a closing message will be available on our office greeting.

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