Amicable Church Officers and Committee members are nominated by the Nominating Committee and are elected at the Annual Meeting
Church Officers, Committee, and Term information:
The Deacons assist the Minister in Communion, Baptisms, and the reception of new members. They serve on the Standing Committee. Once elected the members remain part of the Permanent Diaconate unless they resign. The Standing Committee meets monthly.
MODERATOR – Elected annually
The Moderator presides at all Church Business Meetings and at the Church Council as chairperson. Other responsibilities include appointing one or more auditors to review all financial records for the Annual Audit for the preceding calendar year. The Church Council meets monthly.
CLERK – Elected annually
The Clerk keeps records of all church meetings and the statistics required by the “UCC Yearbook.” The clerk prepares and preserves on file all letters to and from other churches, is in-charge of publicity regarding Church life programs and will notify all members of all church meetings. The clerk serves on the Standing Committee, Church Council and will assign specific duties to the Assistant Clerks.
ASSISTANT CLERKS – Elected annually
The Assistant Clerks are responsible for assisting the Clerk and in the absence of the Clerk would perform the Clerk’s duties.
TREASURER – Elected annually
The Treasurer disperses funds as directed by the Standing Committee and Board of Trustees. The Treasurer keeps receipts and accurate records of all funds. Submits regular financial reports, monthly, quarterly, and annually to the Board of Trustees and Standing Committee. The Treasurer will deposit all funds and have care over all Church legal documents. The Treasurer serves on the Church Council and attends the Board of Trustees meeting. These meetings are monthly. This position is subject to a background check.
ASSISTANT TREASURER – Elected annually
The Assistant Treasurer is responsible for assisting the Treasurer and in the absence of the Treasurer will perform the Treasurer’s duties. This position is subject to a background check.
COLLECTION RECORDER(S) – Elected annually
The Collection Recorder(s) receives all weekly and special collections and prepares and makes the collection deposit to the Bank. Provide the Treasurer with the deposit receipts. This position is subject to a background check.
HISTORIAN – Elected annually
The Historian stores all records and papers of Amicable history and life. An inventory of minutes, papers and other records not noted in the Constitution and By-Laws will be stored. The Historian prepares annually an appendix to be added to “The History of Amicable Congregational Church” as published in 1946.
ASSISTANT HISTORIAN – Elected annually
The Assistant Historian is responsible for assisting the Historian and in the absence of the Historian would perform the Historian’s duties.
TRUSTEES – Two-year term
The Trustees are responsible for our building and grounds. The core responsibilities of the Trustees are the investment and stewardship of our financial assets. The Trustees are responsible for upholding the requests for the endowment funds and maintaining oversight of the Church’s investments. The Trustee chair convenes a monthly meeting. The Trustees include; Edifice, Housekeeping, HVAC, Grounds, and the Trustee chair.
CHURCH COUNCIL – At-Large two-year term
The Church Council is comprised of the Moderator, Clerk, Minister, Treasurer, Faith Formation Coordinator, Standing Committee Chair, Trustee Chair, Nominating Chair and three At-Large positions. The At-Large positions are for a two-year term. The Church Council meets monthly, led by the Moderator and is the Executive Body of the Church.
The Faith Formation Committee members oversee programs and missions specific to our faith formation, Sunday School, and Youth Groups. Stimulate the Congregation’s interest in faith and bring that message to all.
The Nominating Committee are the recruiters of the Church. They are cognizant of the roles and responsibilities of each office involved and will present a list of nominees for open offices and committees at the Annual Meeting. Committee meetings are as needed throughout the year, especially through October and November.

Posted 9.25.2023
Updated 3.20.24